
Do you have a dried up wetland you want to convert to agricultural land?

Aquality can assist you with the identification, delineation, and crown claimability of the wetlands on your property. We can assist you with regulatory applications for wetland modification to ensure that you stay within compliance with the Alberta Wetland Policy, Water Act, and the Public Lands Act.

Agricultural land with wetlands

Or are you worried about the water quality of your dugout for your livestock use?

We can assess nutrient and heavy metal concentrations and provide treatment and management options. We can complete spot treatments of hydrogen peroxide to quickly eliminate toxic cyanobacteria blooms (blue-green algae) and provide long-term management options to control nutrient levels to manage future blooms.

Some of the services we offer include:

  • Algae and cyanobacteria treatment

  • Fisheries assessment and management

  • Water Quality Management

  • Wetland Identification and Delineation

  • Regulatory Assistance

    • Water Act and Codes of Practice

    • Alberta Wetland Policy

    • Public Lands Act

Cyanobacteria bloom in a dugout